How Osteopontin Stimulates Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Cancer Metastasis


January 11, 2024
In this new study, researchers investigated the role of Osteopontin splice variants in cancer metastasis. continue reading »

Understanding the Mechanisms of Brain Aging and Longevity in Neurons


December 21, 2023
In a new editorial, researchers discuss interconnected mechanisms of neuronal functionality and available tools to investigate neuronal aging and longevity. continue reading »

Rapamycin’s Therapeutic Potential in Treating Werner Syndrome


October 26, 2023
In this new study, researchers from Japan investigated the molecular mechanisms of subcutaneous fat dysfunction in Werner syndrome. continue reading »

How Cognitive Reserve Can Help You Sleep Better and Think Sharper


October 12, 2023
In a new study, researchers investigated the association between sleep, cognitive reserve and cognition in older adults. continue reading »

The Role of R-loops in Neuronal Aging


September 28, 2023
In a new editorial, researcher Hana Hall discusses the role of R-loops in neuronal aging and neurodegeneration. continue reading »