Could Metformin and Rapamycin Replace Maintenance Chemotherapy?


December 16, 2021
Researchers explored metformin with or without rapamycin as maintenance therapy in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. continue reading »

Can Hormone Therapy Improve Aging?


December 9, 2021
As a continuation of a previous study, researchers evaluated the effects of estrogen suppression, followed by estradiol supplementation, on biological age measured by glycan age. continue reading »

Trending With Impact: Aging Reduced by 8 Years With Rejuvant®


December 2, 2021
After taking Rejuvant® for approximately 7 months, a recent study revealed that participants experienced an average 8 year reduction in biological aging. continue reading »

Mechanisms of Neoangiogenesis and Tumor Growth UNLOCKED


December 2, 2021
Researchers conducted a study to elucidate the mechanisms of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) which promote neovascularization in the tumor microenvironment. continue reading »

Trending With Impact: Worms Reveal Early Event in Neurodegeneration


November 18, 2021
Researchers examined roundworms to determine the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in progressive neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. continue reading »