Does A Link Exist Between Longevity, Aging and Heart Rate Parameters?


October 13, 2022
Researchers investigated the relationship between familial longevity, chronological age and heart rate parameters, including heart rate variability and 24-h rhythms. continue reading »

CRISPR Screens Identify Novel Targets for Personalized Cancer Therapy


October 7, 2022
In this trending new study, researchers used CRISPR-based genome-wide screens to identify genetic determinants of PARP10-mediated cellular survival. continue reading »

Adenoviral COVID-19 Vaccine Elicits Robust Immunity in Elderly Cohort


October 5, 2022
In a trending new study, researchers investigated the efficacy of an adenoviral-based COVID-19 vaccine in elderly patients. continue reading »

Unborn Children Exposed to Common Chemical Leads to Fertility Defects


September 29, 2022
In a trending new study, researchers investigated a chemical found in french fries, chips and bread and its multigenerational effects on fertility and ovarian function. continue reading »

Protein-Based Risk Model Predicts Esophageal Cancer Recurrence


September 23, 2022
Researchers developed a multi-protein expression-based risk model to predict recurrence-free survival for ESCC patients. continue reading »