
Impact Journals will be hosting both video and written interviews designed to highlight some of the world’s leading researchers and their institutions. This content will bring forth interesting aspects of biomedical research, and will provide useful advice for young postdocs seeking to make advances in their fields.

Behind the Study: Facial Expression Recognition Predicts Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia


June 28, 2022
Dr. Liang-Kung Chen details a research paper he co-authored that was published by Aging (Aging-US) in Volume 14, Issue 3, entitled, “Predicting neuropsychiatric symptoms of persons with dementia in a day care center using a facial expression recognition system.” continue reading »

Longevity & Aging Series (EP 1): Drs. Alex Zhavoronkov and Frank Pun


June 22, 2022
Drs. Alex Zhavoronkov and Frank Pun discuss, in detail, their recently published research paper, “Hallmarks of aging-based dual-purpose disease and age-associated targets predicted using PandaOmics AI-powered discovery engine.” continue reading »

Behind the Study: IGF-pathway Biomarkers and Lung Cancer


June 14, 2022
Dr. Alexander Pohlman from Rush Medical College, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, describes a recent review published by Oncotarget that he co-authored entitled, “The role of IGF-pathway biomarkers in determining risks, screening, and prognosis in lung cancer.” continue reading »

Behind the Study: Iron: An Underrated Factor in Aging


June 13, 2022
Dennis Mangan from MTOR LLC in Bakersfield, California details his theory article published by Aging (Aging-US), entitled, “Iron: an underrated factor in aging.” continue reading »

Behind the Study: Weight Loss Strategies for Breast Cancer Survivors


March 7, 2022
Dr. Jennifer Sheng from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine details a 2021 editorial she co-authored with Dr. Vered Stearns published by Oncotarget, entitled, “Innovating and expanding weight loss strategies for breast cancer survivors.” continue reading »