
Impact Journals will be hosting both video and written interviews designed to highlight some of the world’s leading researchers and their institutions. This content will bring forth interesting aspects of biomedical research, and will provide useful advice for young postdocs seeking to make advances in their fields.

Behind the Study: Reaching Beyond Family History as Inclusion Criteria for Pancreatic Cancer Surveillance in High-risk Populations

Genes & Cancer

October 6, 2022
Dr. Louise Wang from Yale School of Medicine and the VA Connecticut Healthcare system, describes a recent editorial she co-authored that was published by Genes & Cancer, entitled, “Reaching beyond family history as inclusion criteria for pancreatic cancer surveillance in high-risk populations.” continue reading »

Behind the Study: Leveraging Scientific Findings to Develop Therapeutic Strategies for Dormant Breast Cancer Cells


October 4, 2022
Alejandra Ferrer from the Department of Medicine-Hematology/Oncology at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, describes a recent research perspective she co-authored that was published by Oncoscience, entitled, “Leveraging the scientific findings to develop therapeutic strategies for dormant breast cancer cells.” continue reading »

Behind the Study: Epigenetic Clocks Association with Perceived Discrimination, Depressive Symptoms


September 20, 2022
Dr. May Beydoun discusses a research paper she co-authored that was published by Aging (Aging-US) as the cover for Volume 14, Issue 13, entitled, “Epigenetic clocks and their association with trajectories in perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms among US middle-aged and older adults.” continue reading »

Behind the Study: Inhibition of Resistant Triple-negative Breast Cancer Cells


September 19, 2022
Dr. Balraj Singh from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, describes a recent research paper he co-authored that was published by Oncotarget, entitled, “Inhibition of resistant triple-negative breast cancer cells with low-dose 6-mercaptopurine and 5-azacitidine.” continue reading »

Longevity & Aging Series (EP 4): Drs. Carly Bobak, Cristian Coarfa, Andrew DiNardo


September 14, 2022
Drs. Carly Bobak, Cristian Coarfa and Andrew DiNardo detail their research paper published by Aging (Aging-US), entitled, "Increased DNA methylation, cellular senescence and premature epigenetic aging in guinea pigs and humans with tuberculosis." continue reading »