
Impact Journals will be hosting both video and written interviews designed to highlight some of the world’s leading researchers and their institutions. This content will bring forth interesting aspects of biomedical research, and will provide useful advice for young postdocs seeking to make advances in their fields.

Behind the Study: Populations of Cells Resistant to EMT


September 27, 2021
Dr. Herbert Levine and Dr. Mohit Kumar Jolly describe their research that was published by Oncotarget on July 7, 2020, entitled, “Epigenetic feedback and stochastic partitioning during cell division can drive resistance to EMT.” continue reading »

Behind the Study: Evaluations in TRAMP Prostate Cancer Model


September 20, 2021
Dr. Yves Chabu from the University of Missouri describes a research paper he co-authored in 2020 that was published by Oncotarget, entitled, “Evaluations of CRC2631 toxicity, tumor colonization, and genetic stability in the TRAMP prostate cancer model.” continue reading »

Behind the Study: Aging with Drs. Brian Kennedy and Linda Partridge


August 30, 2021
Following the Second Interventions in Aging Conference, meeting organizers Dr. Brian Kennedy and Dr. Linda Partridge discuss their overview of the meeting proceeding. continue reading »

Behind the Study: Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cell Migration and Viability


August 30, 2021
Dr. Gary S. Goldberg from Rowan University details a 2015 paper he co-authored, entitled, “Antibody and lectin target podoplanin to inhibit oral squamous carcinoma cell migration and viability by distinct mechanisms.” continue reading »

Behind the Study: Retaining Nanomolar Potency in Lung Cancer


August 16, 2021
Dr. Aditya Kulkarni discusses a study he co-authored, published by Oncotarget in 2021, and entitled, “The acylfulvene alkylating agent, LP-184, retains nanomolar potency in non-small cell lung cancer carrying otherwise therapy-refractory mutations.” continue reading »