Online ISSN: 1949-2553
About Oncotarget
Our mission is to make scientific results rapidly and widely available. We seek to maximize the impact of research via insightful review, to enable exceptional discoveries to be shared quickly, to eliminate the border between specialties, to link different fields of biomedical science, and to foster application of basic and clinical science to fight disease.

New Analogs of Mibefradil Created as Radiosensitizers for Glioblastoma


May 5, 2021
Researchers from Yale University conducted a study to create mibefradil analogs as superior radiosensitizers in glioblastoma treatments. continue reading »

Oncotarget Sponsors Sergei Kurenov in the 2018 Ride for Roswell


September 24, 2018
Oncotarget chose to sponsor Mr. Kurenov because his research—and all the vital research at Roswell Park—is central to what the journal stands for. Mr. Kurenov also shares a commitment to the free exchange of ideas and collaboration that Oncotarget promotes as an open-access journal. continue reading »