Online ISSN: 1949-2553
About Oncotarget
Our mission is to make scientific results rapidly and widely available. We seek to maximize the impact of research via insightful review, to enable exceptional discoveries to be shared quickly, to eliminate the border between specialties, to link different fields of biomedical science, and to foster application of basic and clinical science to fight disease.

Could Metformin and Rapamycin Replace Maintenance Chemotherapy?


December 16, 2021
Researchers explored metformin with or without rapamycin as maintenance therapy in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. continue reading »

Behind the Study: Metformin and Rapamycin as Maintenance Therapy


December 13, 2021
Dr. Katherine Bever discusses research she co-authored that was published by Oncotarget, entitled, "An exploratory study of metformin with or without rapamycin as maintenance therapy after induction chemotherapy in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma." continue reading »

Lung Cancer Antigen Expression Characterized by Molecular Subtype


December 8, 2021
Nearly 10,000 non-small cell lung cancer tumors were classified into molecular subtypes most likely to respond favorably in a clinical trial of targeted T cell receptor therapy. continue reading »

Table of Contents: Oncotarget’s Volume 12, Issue 25


December 7, 2021
Read short summaries of the latest oncology-focused research published in this week’s issue of Oncotarget: Volume 12, Issue 25. continue reading »

Mechanisms of Neoangiogenesis and Tumor Growth UNLOCKED


December 2, 2021
Researchers conducted a study to elucidate the mechanisms of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) which promote neovascularization in the tumor microenvironment. continue reading »