Online ISSN: 1949-2553
About Oncotarget
Our mission is to make scientific results rapidly and widely available. We seek to maximize the impact of research via insightful review, to enable exceptional discoveries to be shared quickly, to eliminate the border between specialties, to link different fields of biomedical science, and to foster application of basic and clinical science to fight disease.

Trending With Impact: Promising Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Prodrug


August 26, 2021
Researchers examined the preclinical prodrug LP-184 and its efficacy in treating non-small cell lung cancers that lack actionable targets or resistance-related genes. continue reading »

New Study: How Worms Can Detect Early Pancreatic Cancer


August 18, 2021
Researchers from Japan used Caenorhabditis elegans (a one millimeter roundworm) to detect early pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in humans. continue reading »

Table of Contents: Oncotarget’s Volume 12, Issue #17


August 17, 2021
Read short summaries of the latest oncology-focused research published in this week’s issue of Oncotarget, Volume 12, Issue 17. continue reading »

Behind the Study: Retaining Nanomolar Potency in Lung Cancer


August 16, 2021
Dr. Aditya Kulkarni discusses a study he co-authored, published by Oncotarget in 2021, and entitled, “The acylfulvene alkylating agent, LP-184, retains nanomolar potency in non-small cell lung cancer carrying otherwise therapy-refractory mutations.” continue reading »

Trending With Impact: Analysis of Breast Cancer in Nigerian Women


August 12, 2021
In this trending paper published by Oncotarget in 2021, a cohort of Nigerian women were assessed for a useful biomarker in aggressive molecular subtypes of breast cancer. continue reading »