Online ISSN: 1949-2553
About Oncotarget
Our mission is to make scientific results rapidly and widely available. We seek to maximize the impact of research via insightful review, to enable exceptional discoveries to be shared quickly, to eliminate the border between specialties, to link different fields of biomedical science, and to foster application of basic and clinical science to fight disease.

ERβ as a Mediator of Estrogen Signaling in Inflammatory Breast Cancer


July 3, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: on June 12, 2023, a new editorial paper was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “ERβ as a mediator of estrogen signaling in inflammatory breast cancer.” continue reading »

Novel GEM Model Unveils PLK1’s Role in Tumorigenesis


June 29, 2023
In a new editorial, researchers discuss a study using their team’s new genetically engineered mouse (GEM) model to assess PLK1 as a driver of oncogenic transformation. continue reading »

Decoding the Mechanism Behind MCL-1 Inhibitors: A Pathway to Understanding MCL-1 Protein Stability


June 28, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: On June 21, 2023, a new editorial paper was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Decoding the mechanism behind MCL-1 inhibitors: A pathway to understanding MCL-1 protein stability.” continue reading »

DPDT Anticancer Activity in Human Colon Cancer HCT116 Cells


June 26, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: On June 21, 2023, a new research paper was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Diphenyl ditelluride anticancer activity and DNA topoisomerase I poisoning in human colon cancer HCT116 cells.” continue reading »

Targeting GITR in cancer immunotherapy – there is no perfect knowledge


June 21, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: On June 19, 2023, a new research perspective was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Targeting GITR in cancer immunotherapy – there is no perfect knowledge.” continue reading »