
The Impact Journals news page hosts articles about important news stories from our journals and within the scientific community. Visit this page for the latest in medical advances, pharmaceutical progress, conference reports, and more.

Oncotarget | Effectiveness of radiotherapy for local control in T3N0 rectal cancer managed with total mesorectal excision: a meta-analysis


October 13, 2022
PRESS RELEASE: On October 8, 2022, a new research paper was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Effectiveness of radiotherapy for local control in T3N0 rectal cancer managed with total mesorectal excision: a meta-analysis.” continue reading »

Oncotarget | In vitro chemotherapy-associated muscle toxicity is attenuated with nutritional support, while treatment efficacy is retained


October 11, 2022
PRESS RELEASE: A new Oncotarget research paper was published on October 8, 2022, entitled, “In vitro chemotherapy-associated muscle toxicity is attenuated with nutritional support, while treatment efficacy is retained.” continue reading »

Oncotarget | Genomic alterations predictive of poor clinical outcomes in pan-cancer


October 4, 2022
PRESS RELEASE: A new research paper was published in Oncotarget's Volume 13 on September 28, 2022, entitled, “Genomic alterations predictive of poor clinical outcomes in pan-cancer.” continue reading »

Aging | Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults


October 3, 2022
PRESS RELEASE: A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging’s Volume 14, Issue 18, entitled, “Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults.” continue reading »

Genes & Cancer | Reaching beyond family history as inclusion criteria for pancreatic cancer surveillance in high-risk populations

Genes & Cancer

September 30, 2022
PRESS RELEASE: A new editorial paper was published in Genes & Cancer on August 29, 2022, entitled, “Reaching beyond family history as inclusion criteria for pancreatic cancer surveillance in high-risk populations.” continue reading »