
The Impact Journals news page hosts articles about important news stories from our journals and within the scientific community. Visit this page for the latest in medical advances, pharmaceutical progress, conference reports, and more.

Case Report: Intrathoracic Synovial Sarcoma With BRAF V600E Mutation


July 18, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: On July 7, 2023, a new case report was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Intrathoracic synovial sarcoma with BRAF V600E mutation.” continue reading »

BUB1 Regulates EGFR Signaling by Reducing EGFR Internalization


July 17, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: A new research paper was published in Aging's Volume 15, Issue 13, entitled, “Budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles-1 (BUB1) regulates EGFR signaling by reducing EGFR internalization.” continue reading »

Atypical Infections in Chronic Sinusitis: Thinking Outside the Box


July 14, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: On May 27, 2023, a new research perspective was published in Oncoscience, entitled, “Think outside the box – atypical infections in chronic sinusitis.” continue reading »

The Memtrax Continuous Recognition Test for Advanced Cognitive Impairment Screening


July 13, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: A new editorial paper was published in Aging's Volume 15, Issue 12, entitled, “Advancing screening for cognitive impairment: the memtrax continuous recognition test.” continue reading »

Cetuximab’s Effectiveness and Toxicity in Advanced Cutaneous Squamous Cell Skin Cancer


July 12, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: On July 7, 2023, a new research paper was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Effectiveness and toxicity of cetuximab with concurrent RT in locally advanced cutaneous squamous cell skin cancer: a case series.” continue reading »