
The Impact Journals news page hosts articles about important news stories from our journals and within the scientific community. Visit this page for the latest in medical advances, pharmaceutical progress, conference reports, and more.

DNA Damage-induced Senescence Model in Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes


September 20, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: A new research paper was published in Aging's Volume 15, Issue 17, entitled, “Development of a DNA damage-induced senescence model in osteoarthritic chondrocytes.” continue reading »

DPP4 Inhibitors for Target Therapy Resistance in Renal Cell Carcinoma


September 20, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: On September 15, 2023, a new editorial was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Potential repurposing of DPP4 inhibitors for target therapy resistance in renal cell carcinoma.” continue reading »

Real-Time Live Tissue Sensitivity Assay for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma


September 19, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: On September 15, 2023, a new research paper was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Real time ex vivo chemosensitivity assay for pancreatic adenocarcinoma.” continue reading »

Development of a Noise Barometer for Measuring Epigenetic Pressure of Aging and Disease


September 18, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: A new priority research paper was published on the cover of Aging's Volume 15, Issue 17, entitled, “Fail-tests of DNA methylation clocks, and development of a noise barometer for measuring epigenetic pressure of aging and disease.” continue reading »

Systemic Treatment for Brain Metastasis in HER2-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer


September 13, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: On July 7, 2023, a new editorial was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Systemic treatment for brain metastasis in HER2- positive advanced breast cancer: what have we learned so far?” continue reading »