
The Impact Journals news page hosts articles about important news stories from our journals and within the scientific community. Visit this page for the latest in medical advances, pharmaceutical progress, conference reports, and more.

Transformation-associated Recombination (TAR) Cloning and Its Applications


January 8, 2024
PRESS RELEASE: On December 22, 2023, a new review was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning and its applications for gene function; genome architecture and evolution; biotechnology and biomedicine.” continue reading »

Lipiodol: From Intrusion Until Exile From the Tumor Microenvironment


January 5, 2024
PRESS RELEASE: On August 17, 2023, a new editorial was published in Oncoscience, entitled, “Lipiodol: from intrusion until exile from the tumor microenvironment.” continue reading »

Therapeutically Harnessing Cancer Stem Cell-derived Exosomes


January 3, 2024
PRESS RELEASE: On December 20, 2023, a new editorial was published in Oncotarget: “Therapeutically harnessing cancer stem cell-derived exosomes.” continue reading »

Mapping of the Gene Network That Regulates Glycan Clock of Ageing


January 3, 2024
PRESS RELEASE: A new research paper was published in Aging's Volume 15, Issue 24, entitled, “Mapping of the gene network that regulates glycan clock of ageing.” continue reading »

Age-related Alterations in the Oscillatory Dynamics Serving Verbal Working Memory


January 2, 2024
PRESS RELEASE: A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging's Volume 15, Issue 24, entitled, “Age-related alterations in the oscillatory dynamics serving verbal working memory processing.” continue reading »