
The Impact Journals news page hosts articles about important news stories from our journals and within the scientific community. Visit this page for the latest in medical advances, pharmaceutical progress, conference reports, and more.

Special Collection of Steve Horvath Publications in Aging


March 30, 2022
Aging recently compiled a new Special Collection of research publications co-authored by renowned researcher Dr. Steve Horvath. continue reading »

Impact Journals at AACR Annual Meeting 2022


March 28, 2022
Impact Journals is proud to participate at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2022 annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, from April 8-13, 2022. continue reading »

Open-Access Oncotarget Shifts to Continuous Publishing


January 6, 2022
As of 2022, the peer-reviewed and open-access journal Oncotarget has shifted to continuous publishing. continue reading »

Press Release: Aging’s Latest Impact Factor


August 20, 2021
In June 2021, Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) released their 2020 JCR Impact Factor. Aging is pleased to report that our 2020 impact factor is 5.682. continue reading »

Captain of Team Open Access Rides Again for Cancer Research


August 18, 2021
Sponsored by Impact Journals, Team Open Access is once again captained by Sergei Kurenov who explains his motivation to participate in the Ride for Roswell. continue reading »