Online ISSN: 1945-4589
About Aging
Launched in 2009, Aging publishes papers of general interest and biological significance in all fields of aging research and age-related diseases, including cancer—and now, with a special focus on COVID-19 vulnerability as an age-dependent syndrome. Topics in Aging go beyond traditional gerontology, including, but not limited to, cellular and molecular biology, human age-related diseases, pathology in model organisms, signal transduction pathways (e.g., p53, sirtuins, and PI-3K/AKT/mTOR, among others), and approaches to modulating these signaling pathways.

Trending With Impact: Retired Sled Dogs in Aging Research


October 14, 2021
Researchers adopted 103 retired sled dogs for a longitudinal study on canine aging that may one day be used to increase human healthspan and longevity. continue reading »

Behind the Study: Alzheimer’s as a Systems Network Disorder


October 11, 2021
Dr. Dale Bredesen from UCLA describes his research that was published by Aging (Aging-US) in 2020, entitled, “Alzheimer’s disease as a systems network disorder: chronic stress/dyshomeostasis, innate immunity, and genetics.” continue reading »

Trending With Impact: New Hyperbaric Oxygen Study Breaks Ground


September 23, 2021
A new research study on hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) delivered novel insights on the underlying mechanisms of HBOT and its cognitive benefits in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. continue reading »

Trending With Impact: Metabolomics Discerns Sarcopenia From Frailty


September 16, 2021
Sarcopenic patients share clinical features with frailty, but just how similar are they? Researchers used metabolomic analysis to assess the metabolic profiles of sarcopenia in relation to frailty. continue reading »

​​Immunosenescence and the Aging Immune System


September 7, 2021
Literature on the interaction between cellular senescence and the immune system is reviewed, with a focus on cellular senescence in lymphoid organs. continue reading »